HTML 5 & CSS 3 for Web Developer/Designer

HTML5 and CSS3 are some of the most important foundations for any aspiring web developer and designer. In this course, we will be focusing on the most common use of HTML elements and semantic tags, forms, tables, CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid system, media queries, and CSS positioning that are found on many beautifully designed web pages.

This course is very hands-on and intensive as you would typically encounter when doing real-life projects. You will also be taught how to deploy your finished project to the cloud at no cost and showcase it to your friends.

This Course is Suitable For:

  1.  Anyone who wants to create a website from scratch
  2.  Anyone who aspires to become a web developer

Course Outline:

Fill in your details to access outline

Training Delivery:



5 Days


Class starts with a minimum of 12 pax. Please sign up to be in the wait list.

1. Creating an attractive and appealing LinkedIn profile
2. Tap into social media like LinkedIn for job search
3. Create a video resume and differentiating yourself from peers

• Engage Interviewer or audience when delivering video presentation
• Get comfortable speaking in front of the video camera
• Create impactful personal branding video content

4. Virtual interview skills
5. Answer difficult questions in an interview
6. Build a strong personal brand
7. Practice and evaluation


To be advised